They were phased out in favor of black wall wheels. Make sure to view ALL the pictures, or ask me about any details about the car, before you buy. 1977 was the last year for redline wheels. I was looking at other ones and they also seem to have the exact spots or small chips in the same place.There may be other things it all looks pretty good to me, I don't seem to see any other thing to comment on. Small paint chips by the outer side edges of car by the rear window. There is discoloration in the paint, but I see the same thing on all the old vintage Open Fire Hot Wheels cars. The roof has a blemish or scratch, however it also looks like it has the factory clear coat over it, so I don't think it is a scratch. The wheels and mechanics all seem in tact, and in good condition.

I am the original owner-purchaser, when it was first out for sale. Vintage red line Hot Wheels OPEN FIRE car, redline.